
Biocultural Diversity Conservation: A Global Sourcebookto purchase, go to

Biocultural Diversity Conservation: A Global Sourcebook

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Publications List

RSPB (2018). Mid Term Evaluation of  the GolaMA Project: "Securing Liberian forest connectivity through community forest management and innovative financing mechanisms" for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), UK. and Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL)

UN FAO (2018). Cluster Evaluation of “Reducing Disaster Risks caused by changing climate in NTT and NTB Provinces in Indonesia” and “Enhancing Food and Nutrition Security and Reducing Disaster Risk through the Promotion of Conservation Agriculture in Timor-Leste”

Final Evaluation for Plan International’s Child-centred Climate Change Project (4CA) in Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar. July 2016.  Plan International (ARO) (not available for release)

Farm Radio International and CCAFS 2014. The potential role of interactive radio for increasing the scale, reach and effectiveness of weather based insurance products.  A concept paper.

Canadian Feed The Children (CFTC), 2013, 2014.  Semi-Annual and Final Reports on CHANGE project Outcomes and Outputs from January 2013 to March 2014 in three regions in northern Ghana.

ESSA, FSPI, ICIMOD, IISD. 2012. Asia Pacific Regional Study:  Impacts of Climate Change on Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Knowledge. Prepared for the World Bank in collaboration by ESSA, SPI, ICIMOD and IISD.

Woodley, E.  2011. Building Nigeria’s Response to Climate Change: Pilot projects for community-based adaptation in Nigeria. pp. 297-315. In: Leal Filho, Walter (Ed.) Experiences of Climate Change Adaptation in Africa. Climate Change Management Series, Vol. 4, 324 pp. Springer: Berlin.

NEST and Woodley, E. 2012. Learning from Experience – Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change in Nigeria. Building Nigeria's Response to Climate Change.  NEST, Ibadan, Nigeria.

NEST 2011. Gender and Climate Change Adaptation: Tools for Community-level Action in Nigeria. Ibadan, Nigeria: Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team (NEST).

BNRCC, 2011.  Building Nigeria's Response to Climate Change.  Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Technical Report (CCASTR) in Nigeria.  Multi-authored background report on research and field work to provide a basis for a national strategy on climate change adaptation.

Harmon, D., E. Woodley and J. Loh. 2010. Measuring status and trends in biological and cultural diversity. pp 41-62, In: Nature and Culture: rebuilding lost connections, S. Pilgrim and J. Pretty (eds). Earthscan, UK

Maffi, L. and E. Woodley. 2010. Global Source Book on Biocultural Diversity: Worldwide Experiences in the Conservation of Biodiversity and Culture. Earthscan-IUCN Joint Publication.

Woodley, E., Crowley, E. J. Dey de Pryck and A. Carmen. 2008. Cultural indicators of Indigenous Peoples' food and agro-ecological systems.  UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC).

Woodley, E. and N. Crawhall. 2008.  Briefing Note on Cultural Diversity and Biodiversity.  For the Convention of Biodiversity, Ninth Conference of Parties (COP9) in Bonn, May 2008 and printed in Eco Newsletter of the CBD Alliance.

Woodley, E. and J. Mason. 2008.  Cultural Conservation in Displaced Communities around Mole National Park, Ghana. Poster presentation for the symposium “Sustaining Cultural and Biological Diversity In a Rapidly Changing World: Lessons for Global Policy”, Spring Symposium 2008. American Museum of Natural History.

Maffi, L. and E. Woodley and others. 2007, Biodiversity and Culture. Section 9 of Chapter 5, Biodiversity, GEO 4 Report, UNEP.

Harmon, D. J. Loh, and others (E. Woodley).  In preparation for the World Conservation Congress, Oct 2008.  Measuring and Monitoring State and Trends in Biodiversity and Culture. Background paper presented at the symposium “Sustaining Cultural and Biological Diversity in a Rapidly Changing World: Lessons for Global Policy” for the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, April 2-5, 2008.

Woodley, E. 2007.  Culture and the Environment. PowerPoint presentation for the Indigenous Cooperative on the Environment (ICE) Conference, Ottawa, February 2007. 

Woodley, E. 2005.  Local and Indigenous Ecological Knowledge as an Emergent Property of a Complex System: A Case Study in the Solomon Islands, In: Source Book on Participatory Research and Development. CIP-UPWARD (International Potato Center-Users' Perspectives with Agricultural Research and Development) IDRC and IFAD.

 Ericksen, P. and E. Woodley, E.  2005.  Using Multiple Knowledge Systems: Benefits and Challenges.  Chapter 5. Multiscale Assessments Volume 4 of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (eds Capistrano, D., Samper, C.K., Lee, M.J and Raudsepp-Hearne, C.).

Woodley, E. 2004.  Local and Indigenous Ecological Knowledge as an Emergent Property of a Complex   System: A Case Study in the Solomon Islands.  Paper presented at Bridging Scales and Epistemologies Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, March 17-20, 2004.

Woodley, E. 2001. Incorporation of Indigenous Knowledge in Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Projects

     Presentation and Report for IDRC, November 13, 2001, Montreal Quebec

Woodley, E. 2001. Taro Caught in the Web of Change: Food Security on Vella Lavella, Solomon Islands     Paper given to the annual Conference of the Association of the Society of Anthropologists for  Oceania (ASAO), February, 2001, Florida

Gregor, D., Armitage, D., Tegler, B. Woodley, E and othersAquatic Ecosystem Assessment of Great Slave Lake. Report submitted to Environment Canada.

Woodley, E. 1999. Indigenous Ecological Knowledge for Resource Management: Constraints to Implementation (paper presented for Qualifying Exam, University of Guelph)

Woodley, E. and Wasteneys, C.  1998. An Evaluation Report on the Forestry II Afforestation Project in Northern Nigeria: A Success Story in Desertification and Land Degradation Control. Prepared for United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.

Woodley, E. 1998. Ranonggan Carvers: Stories and River StonesParadise Magazine 127: 53-55

Woodley, E. 1994. Effects of Habitat on Variations of Phenology and Nutrient Concentration among Four Plant Species of the Alexandra Fjord Lowland.  In: Ecology of a Polar Oasis, Alexandra Fjord, Ellesmere Island, Canada.  Svoboda, J. and B. Freedman (eds).  Captus University      Publications.

Woodley, E. 1992.  Aquatic Vascular Plants of Georgian Bay Islands National Park.  Geomatics International: for Parks Canada.

Woodley, E. 1992.  Management of Old Fields in Ontario. Geomatics International: for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Woodley, E. 1991Medicinal Plants of Papua New Guinea Part I: Morobe Province. Verlag  Josef Margraf, Germany.

Woodley, E. 1991.  Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Development.  In: Agriculture and Human Values 8(1,2):173-178.

Woodley, E. 1987.  Traditional Medicine.  Paradise Magazine, No. 62, Papua New Guinea.