Final evaluation of the Child-Centred Climate Change (4CA) in Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar

This work which took place in May-June 2016, was a evaluation of work done in three countries and involved involved designing and implementing participatory methods for conducting community consultations including key knowledge holder interviews and focus group discussions.   Since the project that Liana was evaluating was child-centred, we spent a lot of time at schools, hearing how the youth and children benefited from the project and what they would do (if anything) to improve things.  The 4CA project had a real impact on children, youth and their communities over the short two year duration of the project.

Primary school students in Timor Indonesia are growing their own vegetables for consumption and sales to continue their climate change projects in the school

Primary school students in Timor Indonesia are growing their own vegetables for consumption and sales to continue their climate change projects in the school

The Impacts of climate change on indigenous peoples and traditional knowledge - Nepal and Tuvalu

This World Bank funded project involved communities in Tuvalu and Nepal and project partners FSPI (Fiji) and ICIMOD (Nepal) to document, using participatory tools, vulnerability and adaptive capacity to the impacts of climate change. Identified local and traditional knowledge and practices of Indigenous Peoples that minimize the adverse impacts of climate change and strategies; strengthened the capacity to engage and participate in the formulation of national and international public policy on climate change.

Workshop for consultations with stakeholders on the impacts of climate change in Tuvalu

Workshop for consultations with stakeholders on the impacts of climate change in Tuvalu

Building Nigeria's Response to Climate Change (BNRCC)

The Canadian government funded "Building Nigeria's Response to Climate Change", project assisted vulnerable coastal and dry land communities in Nigeria to adapt to and climate change impacts, using a suite of participatory tools to assess vulnerability and adaptive capacity.  Key to the project were pilot projects, which involved the implementation of community-identified adaptation options to climate change impacts.  Also key was the development of Nigeria’s National Adaptation Strategy and Programme of Action (NASPA), which drew on the lessons learned from the pilot projects. Several publications have resulted from the project, including  a toolkit to mainstream gender in climate change projects; case study reports for policy makers, a community-based adaptation framework, among several others. 

Farmer in northern Nigeria growing improved sorghum

Farmer in northern Nigeria growing improved sorghum